Giovanni Lasorella
Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft
- 2019-2020 Mitarbeiter at the Thomas-Institut (University of Cologne) to work on the common passages between the Expositionem Theologicam Procli of Berthold of Moosburg and the Sapientiale of Thomas of York
- 2018-2019 M.A. Philosophical Sciences (double degree), Università del Salento (Lecce, Italy) - Universität zu Köln (Köln, Germany).
Master thesis: "Berthold of Moosburg: the 14th century Neoplatonic thought on Elementatio Theologica" (Degree mark: 110/110 e lode) - 2019 Mitarbeiter at the Thomas-Institut (University of Cologne) to take care of the digital design of the medieval texts of Durando di San Porciano and to edit the Tabula Contentorum In Expositionem Theologicam Procli of Berthold of Moosburg
- 2017 B.A. Philosophy, Università del Salento, Lecce (Italy)
Bachelor thesis: "Melisso di Samo: una rivalutazione storico-critica" (Degree mark: 110/110 e lode) - 2015 Collaboration with the Thomas-Institut (University of Cologne) for transcription and collation of manuscripts of Durando of San Porciano's project research
Research fields
- Greek Eleatic philosophy, in particular the Fragments of Melissus of Samos and Parmenides
- Greek Neoplatonic philosophy, in particular Proclus and his Elements of Theology
- 14th century German Dominican theology, in particular Berthold of Moosburg and his work: the Expositio super Elementationem theologicam Procli
- Präsentation von „La filosofia dei medievali e la filosofia dei medievi-
sti“ (Autor: Pasquale Porro), MedievaLab, Thomas Institut, Köln, 16.
Mai 2024. - "Were Medieval Thinkers Historians of Philosophy? The case of John
Picard of Lichtenberg", Sessione dottorale, Lecce, 3. Mai 2024. - "Molte domande e poche risposte: Giovanni Picardi di Lichtenberg e
le sue Quaestiones", Laboratorio per l’edizione di testi medievali
(PRIN: Prognostication and sciences in medieval societies / Prognos-
tica e scienze nelle società), Foggia, 29. April 2024. - “‚Ostendetur, quod istud est de mente Thomae‘. John Picard of Lichtenberg on the subject of theology”, EGSAMP Summerschool 2023 ‚Dark Ages and Fake News. Beliefs, Impostures and Debunking in and about Medieval Thought‘, Morimondo (I), 4.-8. September 2023.
- „The Richness of Unoriginality: a Detailed Overview on John Picard of Lichtenberg“, 9th Cologne-Toronto Colloquium, Toronto, 9.-11. November 2023.
- „The richness of unoriginality: a detailed overview on John Picard of Lichtenberg“, Doktorandenkolloquium des Thomas-Instituts, 31. Oktober 2023.
- "John Picard of Lichtenberg's Quaestiones disputatae as a Source of William of Peter of Godin’s Lectura Thomasina", in: Recherches de Théologie et Philosophie Médiévales 90/1 (2023), 75-110.