Dr. Mario Loconsole
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
- Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter in the projekt: “Die hebräisch-lateinische Übersetzung des Maimonides: Die kritische Edition des Dux neutrorum”, Thomas-Institut (University of Cologne).
- Research fellowship in the project: “Questioni disputate di altri autori rifuse nell’ «Expositio commenti Averrois in VIII libros Physicorum» di Urbano da Bologna”, Università degli studi di Udine.
(Scientific supervisor: Prof. Andrea Tabarroni. PRIN 2017 “Averroism. History, Developments and Implications of a Cross-cultural Tradition” [PI: Pasquale Porro; 2017H8MWHR]). - Post-doc in the project: “Melancholy in Medieval Europe (1100-1400). Depression, Creativity, and Philosophy of Nature”, l’Universitatea Babes Bolyai Cluj-Napoca.
- Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft at the “Durandus-Editions-Projekt: die kritische Edition des Sentenzenkommentars des Durandus von St. Pourçain”, Thomas-Institut (University of Cologne).
- Member of the editorial team of the journal Quaestio. Annuario di storia della metafisica.
- PhD in “Filosofia. Forme e storia dei saperi filosofici”. International PhD program at the Università degli Studi del Salento in cotutela with the University of Cologne.
Title of the thesis: “Il mondo minerale tra Alberto Magno ed Enrico di Herford. Analisi storico-filosofica del De mineralibus di Alberto Magno ed edizione critica del libro VI della Catena aurea entium”.
Tutor: Fiorella Retucci (Università del Salento); Co-Tutor: Andreas Speer (University of Cologne). Degree mark “Eccellente cum laude”.
Fields of Research
- Natural philosophy in the Middle Ages
- Studies on Albert the Great
- Reception of Aristotele’s and Averroes’ philosophy in Latin Europe
- Critical edition of Latin texts
Academic Societies
- SIEPM (Société internationale pour l’étude de la philosophie médiévale)
- SISPM (Società italiana per lo studio del pensiero medievale)
- Societas Artistarum
- 10/01/2023, Participation as a speaker at the "Doktorandenkolloquium" at the Thomas-Institut, Cologne with a paper titled: "Can a man be generated in the womb of a goat or of a dog? A quaestio by Urbano da Bologna in his commentary on Averroes’ Physics".
- 04-08/09/2023, Participation as a speaker at the "EGSAMP Summerschool 2023 ‚Dark Ages and Fake News. Beliefs, Impostures and Debunking in and about Medieval Thought'" held in Morimondo, with a paper titled: "Can We Trust Our Dreams? Some Advices from a Medieval Physician".
- 12-15/09/2023, Participation as a speaker at the "27th Annual Colloquium of the SIEPM ‚Medieval Debates on Foreknowledge: Future Contingents, Prophecy, and Divination‘" held at the Università di Trento, with a paper titled: "Somnium coadiuvat ad curationem. The Curative Power of Dreams in Pietro d’Abano’s Conciliator".
- 31/10/2023, Participation as speaker in the "Doktorandenkolloquium" held at the Thomas-Institut, Cologne with with a paper titled: "The Philosophical Debate on the Motion of Corporeal Bodies in the Late Middle Ages and the Renaissance".
- 22-26/08/2022, Participation as speaker in "The XVth International Congress of Medieval Philosophy: LA PENSEE RADICALE AU MOYEN ÂGE / RADICAL THINKING IN THE MIDDLE AGES" held in Paris-Aubervilliers, with a paper titled: "Melancholy and acedia. The Medical Roots of the Description of Slothful Sinners in Dante’s Inferno".
- 15-16/11/2022 Participation as speaker in the workshop "Medicine and Philosophy IV: Maladies of the soul", held at the Babeș-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca (BBU), with a paper titled: "Acedia addit super tristitiam. The Utmost Sadness of the Slothful Sinners in Albert the Great and Thomas Aquinas".
- 26/04/2022, Presentation of "Melancholy and acedia in Dante’s Canto VII" at the Doktorandenkolloquium des Thomas-Instituts.
- 09-11/12/2021 Participation as speaker in the conference “«Quella druda della quale nullo amadore prende compiuta gioia» (Cv III 12 13). Dante e la filosofia XXV Convegno della Società italiana per lo studio del pensiero medievale” held at the Università di Udine with a paper titled: “La tradizione dei Meteorologica nel Convivio dantesco”.
- 06-07/12/2021 Participation as speaker in the workshop "Medicine and Philosophy III: Contagion and Fascination", held at the Università del Salento with a paper titled: “Stones and seals in Albert’s De mineralibus. How minerals can influence human body and mind”.
- 08-10/9/2021 Participation as speaker in the conference “Mondi reali / Mondi possibili: l'esperimento. Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana Alexander von Humboldt” held at the Università di Bari, with a paper titled: “Experimentum solum certificat in talibus. Epistemologia del particolare nella filosofia naturale di Alberto Magno”.
- 13-14/6/2019 Participation as speaker in the conference “Mind and Body: Aspects of Medieval Natural Philosophy” held at the University of Łódź with a paper titled “Why Philosophers generate foolish Children? Complexio of Bodies, Soul and Mind in Albert the Great's Theory of Generation”.
- 10-11/5/2019 Participation as speaker in the workshop “Medicine and philosophy: the longue durée of the humoral theory” held at the Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca with a paper titled “Alchimicorum periti operantur sicut periti medicorum: The Influence of medical Sources in Albert the Great’s Account on Alchemy”.
- 26-28/4/2018 Participation as speaker in the conference “Centri e periferie nella storia del pensiero filosofico”, organized in honor of Prof. Loris Sturlese and held in Lecce. Title of the paper: “Arte e natura: Alberto Magno sui sigilli”.
- 9-11/11/2017 Participation as speaker in the “Cologne-Toronto Graduate Student Colloquium” held in Cologne organized by a.r.t.e.s. with a paper titled “Albert the Great on the Role of Heat and Moisture. The Generation of Minerals”.
- 10/10/2017 Participation as speaker in the workshop “Albertus Magnus and the Nature” organized by the Thomas Institut of Cologne and the Albertus Magnus Institut of Bonn with a paper titled “Albert the Great on the Role of Heat in Generation of Minerals”.
- 12-14/7/2017 Participation as speaker in the “Convegno Internazionale ESHHS Conference” at the Università degli studi di Bari Aldo Moro with a paper titled “Sciant artifices e prima materia: il concetto di materia alle prese con l’alchimia”.
- 15-19/8/2016 Participation as speaker with a grant in the EGSAMP Summerschool 2016 “Locality and cross-border Exchange in the Middle Ages” that took place in Ohrid (Macedonia) having a speech titled “Albert the Great on alchemy”.
I. Critical Editions
- Henricus de Hervordia, Catena aurea entium. Liber VI (De mineralibus), ed. M. Loconsole, Meiner Verlag GmbH, Hamburg 2023.
II. Editions
- M. Loconsole, E. Miteva, M. Panarelli (Eds.), Natural Philosophy in Albert the Great. A Dialogue of Disciplines (= Quaestio 23), Turnhout 2023.
III. Articles
- M. Loconsole, What is it like to die for a stone? Albert the Great and the biologisation of inorganic nature, in Quaestio, 23 (2023).
[https://doi.org/10.1484/J.QUAESTIO.5.133926] - M. Loconsole, Il libro VI della Catena aurea entium di Enrico di Herford: un adattamento trecentesco del De mineralibus di Alberto Magno, in Quaestio, 23 (2023).
[https://doi.org/10.1484/J.QUAESTIO.5.133930] - M. Loconsole, E. Miteva, M. Panarelli, "Introduction. New perspectives on Albert the Great’s Natural Philosophy", in: Quaestio 23 (2023), 3-14.
[https://doi.org/10.1484/J.QUAESTIO.5.133917] - M. Loconsole, Può un uomo generarsi nell’utero di una capra o di una cagna? Una quaestio di Urbano da Bologna nel commento alla Physica di Averroè, in Noctua, 10/1 (2023), pp. 46-105.
- M. Loconsole, Accidia e malinconia. Le radici mediche nella descrizione degli accidiosi nel canto VII dell’Inferno dantesco, in Quaestio, 22 (2022), pp. 509-532.
- M. Loconsole, The figure and thought of Berthold of Moosburg. New studies and perspectives, in Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, 64 (2022), pp. 23-40.
- M. Loconsole, «Come virtude in pietra da corpo nobilissimo celestiale». La filosofia naturale di Alberto Magno nel Convivio dantesco, in Medioevo. Rivista della filosofia medievale, 46 (2021), pp. 69-94.
- M. Loconsole, Why Philosophers Father Foolish Children. Peter of Spain, Albert the Great and James of Viterbo on the Transmission of Intellectual Qualities, in M. Gensler / M. Mansfeld / M. Michałowska / G. Klima (eds), Historical-Analytical Studies on Nature, Mind and Action, Springer Verlag, pp. 91-114.
- M. Loconsole, ‘Alchimicorum periti operantur sicut periti medicorum’. Albert the Great’s Account on alchemical Transmutation, in Noctua, VII/2 (2020), pp. 185-224.
- M. Loconsole, A Theory on the Formation of Minerals. Albert the Great and the Constitution of Scientific Mineralogy, in Quaestio, 20 (2020), pp. 369-388.
- M. Loconsole, New Trends in Eckhart Studies, in Quaestio, 18 (2018), pp. 539-555.
- M. Loconsole, I ‘pagani’ come problema filosofico: un modello di ‘sintesi storica’, in Quaestio, 16 (2016), pp. 247-256.
- M. Loconsole, Nuove prospettive sul Convivio dantesco, in Quaestio, 16 (2016), pp. 267-272.